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What do you want to create today?

Teachers and Leaders are creators. The mission of iCriate is to help teachers see themselves as leaders and leaders to see themselves as teachers. In this process, both inspire others to see themselves as leaders and creators, becoming the best version of themselves.

About iCriate

Each of the seven iCriate values stand independent of one another; yet, together, they have a synergistic impact on each other. Serendipitously, they also flow in a sequential order, starting with creating a clear Intention, being Committed, demonstrating Respect, and placing Integrity at your core; followed with embracing Accountability, upgrading your Thinking and consistently seeking to be Excellent. Teachers and leaders are creators, and the consistent practice of applying these seven principles creates a future that others are willing to follow you to.


Leadership starts with intention. Intention provides clarity, choice, definition, direction and motivation to act in a way that creates a powerful outcome. When was the last time you focused your intention and asked questions like, “Who can I serve today? What can I do that would make the biggest difference for them?” Or, “What do I want to create today? What would guarantee that creation?”

body of water during golden hour


When preceded by the words “I Am,” the word “committed” generates power – power to become, power to lead, and power to create. Commitment literally means to make a promise to yourself to eliminate anything that would get in the way of what you are wanting to bring together or to create. With this clarification, commitment gives us freedom to focus, freedom to decide, freedom to act without distraction and freedom to embrace fear. What are some examples of things you’ve said you are committed to, but, in reality, you aren’t willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish? What “good” things get in the way of keeping your commitments?


Respect is the foundation upon which desirable values and behaviors are built, including inclusion, diversity, collaboration, and servant leadership. The greatest gift you can give another human being, is to have them feel and experience true respect. How do you know when you are demonstrating respect in a manner that inspires hope, encouragement and commitment? Does the way you see people help them see their potential and possibilities?


Integrity is a state or condition of being whole, complete, unbroken, and unimpaired. Simply stated, integrity is honoring your word. Integrity represents the wholeness of our character and is the hub of all other virtues and values. With integrity at the core of a team or organization, the opportunity exists for maximum performance and adherence to the highest set of standards of excellence. Integrity creates the joy and happiness that can only come from knowing you have done your very best. Do you honor your word? Do you do what you say you will do, in the time that you said you would do it? Whenever you aren’t able to keep your word, do you acknowledge it and offer to fix the situation? What are some common things that you do that are justified or overlooked as being out of integrity? What difference could a commitment to honoring your word have on your relationships?


Accountability, or the power to “count on my abilities,” is the basis upon which we build strong relationships. Accountability, done the right way, produces greater transparency and openness, enhanced teamwork and trust, effective communication and dialogue, thorough execution and follow-through, sharper clarity, and a tighter focus on results. Building a culture of feedback and accountability is the key to building capability in any organization. Yet holding people accountable will do as much damage as benefit. Anything other than self-accountability is counterfeit accountability. Great leaders inspire others to embrace accountability. Accountability then becomes a teaching and learning experience, an expression of commitment and courage. What is your natural reaction to feedback? What difference would it make if you proactively asked for accountability? Imagine if you were able to inspire others to hold themselves accountable and seek feedback, without stifling joy and creativity?


Everything we create starts with a thought. Every idea, philosophy, innovation, plan, and invention that has been created started with a thought. Acted upon, that thought was created into a reality. The results that we achieve in our lives ultimately link back to the thoughts that we have and act on. Ultimately, it is our thinking that drives our results. It is our thinking that creates what we experience in life. It is our thinking, aligned with intentional action that creates our world. Therefore, when your thinking shifts, everything in your world shifts—your results, your relationships, your health, your priority, your experience. As you begin to take ownership of your thoughts, you unleash the power of your mind to create with intention. What evidence do you have that altering your thoughts changes your world? How can you tell when you are choosing your thoughts as opposed to being owned by your thoughts?


Being excellent is being your very best, thus the distance between excellent and excellence is infinite. Excellence isn’t about being the best in the world, but being the best for the world. Being your best. Only then can we truly help others be excellent—but only if we believe that we can serve them and influence them, raising them to discover new possibilities in themselves. High expectations of others must represent a confidence in your ability to lead. When you have high standards of excellence, you will do everything in your power to help others succeed, including holding yourself accountable for their performance or lack of performance. You share ownership in their success and struggles. Excellent leaders meet people where they are and encourage them to be their very best. Excellence is the ultimate purpose of the human existence. Is excellence something you strive for or the foundation you start with? Is excellence more of a skill, a habit or an attitude? What role has fear had in your pursuit of excellence? What difference would it make in your team, class, organization or family if everyone focused on helping each other be just a little bit better?

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